My mate from Sydney, Ange, had flown up from Miami and arrived about the same time as I did. As tired as I was I was keen to make the most of every moment of the weekend. We headed up to the rooftop bar of the hotel for a sneaky night cap. Very typical NY but the bar was going into doof doof overdrive and not quite my thing so we decided to jump in a cab and head down to the West Village. We ended up at Corner Bistro and my completely out of whack body clock thought it was lunch time alas it was 2am in the morning but when is it not a good time to have a Bistro Burger? It was delicious. I think it might be the ridiculously bad for you deep fried bacon but who cares.
We made it back to the hotel about 3am which was good as I had a huge day planned for the next day. Stay tuned for another epic NYC adventure coming shortly.
The Bistro Burger. Gold. |
I still laugh every time I see this sign |
On top of the Dream Hotel with Ange |