Thursday, December 16, 2010

First snow of the year

Ok I know it's pretty wussy but we finally had some snow hit the ground the week. I'd hardly call it a blizzard but am sure it is a sign of things to come.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chilly NYC

In keeping with traditions of living on the Northside I conducted a little science experiment this week. Those that remember my blog from the UK may recall this one from The Lex Lounge. It's been getting rather fresh to say the least. On Wednesday night I left a glass of water on the outside of the windowsill. Result the next morning......a giant frozen ice block. There have been a few flutta's (Thanks for the new word Tracy) so far but nothing major. It's expected to snow this coming weekend which will be exciting.

Here's proof it's getting chilly over here

Opps and look what the cat dragged in. I wonder if they have red eye reduction for dogs.