Saturday, March 19, 2011


Ok I know everyone who owns a dog thinks their dog is the cutest one out there. Sad to say I also fall into that category. Dasha the Stunt Dog is turning into a little pooch puller. Anyway this blog is more about the photos than the words so here is a sample of some recent pics.

Ok and now a couple of randoms off my BB. The past few weeks the weather has been on the improve and we have been taking Dasha to the puppy dog run in Washington Square Park. He absolutely loves it. The number 2 shot is only the third time he has done that outside. Stay tuned for the classic fire hydrant shot. I also said I'd never let the him sleep in our bed. That lasted all of about 30 seconds.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The End of Hibernation....Almost

With winter coming to a close we decided to start living it up and venturing out beyond the confines of Safe Base Loungeroom. Monday night we headed to Madison Square Garden to check out a classics tennis match. The first one saw Ivan Lendel and John McEnroe go head to head. The second match was Pete Sampras versus Andre Agassi. Both were very enjoyable to watch and the guys have clearly not lost it.

Thursday I headed to Birdland which is a famous jazz club in Midtown. A chicago singer called Kurt Elling was playing. I used to smash out some of his tunes at the Lav Bay pad. Typical jazz club with good music and not so good yet overpriced food. It was a really good gig and Kurt did some interesting improvisation sets with his band.

The highlight was last night where we headed to Madison Square Garden again for a Bon Jovi concert. I know tragic but I could not help myself. I've always been a sucker for Liven on a Prayer. He smashed it out for 2.5 hours and it was a really good show. I went for the tight are seats behind the stage but they were actually really good. The stage was amazing with these massive screens which changed shaped and moved throughout the gig. It's my second Bon Jovi gig since coming to New York and fourth all up. Should I be worried? If only the Choirboys would tour over here.

It's a shame it's been pouring rain all day as it's now back to the lounge.

Classics Tennis Match @ MSG

Kurt Elling @ Birdland

Bon Jovi @ MSG

Oh ok and a quick one of Dasha sleeping today and his first visit to Central park. Surely that cannot be good for your posture.