Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Lomo Love

So I've been a bit snap happy over the past fortnight and dusted off my Lomo cameras to get some snaps from around the traps. You can click on them to make them bigger.

Top Three
#1 Newark Fisheye. I took this shot when flying over Newark Airport in a helicopter on the weekend. Newark is naturally curved but the wide angle of the lens really accentuates this on the Sprocket Rocket. A real morph. (Sprocket Rocket, ISO 800, expired)

#2 60's Garden. New York is amazing at the moment with all the flowers and blossoms. The West Village is particularly cool and the cobblestone streets are all the more interesting with this new found burst of color. This shot is of the community garden on Jane St. It reminds me of a vintage photo circa 1960 with it's blurred frame and saturated colors. (Diana F+, cross processed)

#3 70's Central Park. Almost a theme going here. We took Dasha up to Central park last Friday and came across this whole new area we had not been to where there was a meandering creek and a full blown forest. This size and diversity of Central Park never ceases to amaze me. I snapped this couple just before entering the forest area. (Sprocket Rocket, ISO 800, expired)

Special Mention: What would a blog be without a special mention of the D-Man. Here is my fav shot of him from this batch. (LC-A, ISO 800, expired)

Random Fav's
And here are a bunch of other randoms from the Sprocket, LC-A, Diana F+ and Diana Mini.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chopper Ride and Spring in NYC

Today Tracy and I went for a chopper ride over Manhattan. I was very lucky to get this for Christmas from her and we finally got our act together to go a for a ride. It was really cool. We took off from out in the stick in New Jersey and headed north over Stanton Island and up the Hudson. The views were incredible. Tracy nearly had a heart attack when I almost lost the camera out the "air conditioning" vent. I got a bit carried away trying to get a photo and the camera got sucked out of the chopper. Luckily I had the wrist strap on so all was ok.....just.

Can you see our unit? It's there in the middle.

I have also put some random pics up from spring in NYC. The weather is getting warmer by the day. Today was a significant occasion as it's the first day I wore shorts and flip flops. It's pretty cool walking round with all the trees out in bloom and the tulips and daffodils sprouting out. This time last year I was cruising round France so I missed most of the best part of Spring.

And now a little Dash-date. He had a little operation (a.k.a the chop) last week so has been so has been a little worse for wear but he's well on his way to recovery. I had to visit the vet on Saturday to get a cone upgrade as the other one was not stopping him. I thought those things were only for dogs on the Simpsons.

Tracy and I trying to get a Stunt Dog photo

Central Park

And finally I was walking through the West Village this afternoon and came across this coffee place. Thought it was well worth a pic and the coffee was good stuff as well. Potential franchise opportunity Buster 1.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Sproket Rocket

My high tech parents got me an Amazon voucher for my birthday and I ended up picking up a new camera. It's called a Sprocket Rocket and it takes wide angle photos and exposes all the file so you get some cool film sprocket marks in the photos. Last weekend I ran a couple of films through it including a x-processed slide film. I thought the results look pretty cool.

X-Processed Shots

Regular Film Shots

It must be a sign that summer is coming as I also dusted off my LC-A and shot a few rolls through it. Sadly I shelved this during the winter months but having the sun out more now provides the perfect opportunity to start getting back on board.

Random LC-A Shots including normal and X-Processed

And finally a shot from last summer when we went on our biking adventure around NYC. Hopefully there will more of this very soon.