Top Three
#1 Newark Fisheye. I took this shot when flying over Newark Airport in a helicopter on the weekend. Newark is naturally curved but the wide angle of the lens really accentuates this on the Sprocket Rocket. A real morph. (Sprocket Rocket, ISO 800, expired)
#2 60's Garden. New York is amazing at the moment with all the flowers and blossoms. The West Village is particularly cool and the cobblestone streets are all the more interesting with this new found burst of color. This shot is of the community garden on Jane St. It reminds me of a vintage photo circa 1960 with it's blurred frame and saturated colors. (Diana F+, cross processed)
#3 70's Central Park. Almost a theme going here. We took Dasha up to Central park last Friday and came across this whole new area we had not been to where there was a meandering creek and a full blown forest. This size and diversity of Central Park never ceases to amaze me. I snapped this couple just before entering the forest area. (Sprocket Rocket, ISO 800, expired)
Special Mention: What would a blog be without a special mention of the D-Man. Here is my fav shot of him from this batch. (LC-A, ISO 800, expired)
Random Fav's
And here are a bunch of other randoms from the Sprocket, LC-A, Diana F+ and Diana Mini.