Sunday, May 8, 2011

Some Concern

It has come to the concern of some of my substantial reader base (Almost double digits now) that there was no mention of Dasha in my last blog and was everything alright? Well I can confirm everything is ok. He is still a weeing and pooing monster and as cute as ever. Here is a quick selection of some of the latest pics.

Dasha and a Buddy at Tompkins Square Park

Dasha at Central Park loving the grass

Dash out and about in the Village

Cone head

Opps Just missed. Stay tuned for another hydrant action shot

Now has the concerned reader booked their ticket yet for season 2011?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May Sprockets

So I've been continuing to go ballistic with my Sprocket Rocket. This week I tried one of the redscale film. The results were not that great because of the low iso rating and I generally did not expose the film enough. Oh well it's all a learning experience.

These shots are from the following places including Hoboken looking back to NYC, Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Park including the Flatiron Building.