Monday, July 22, 2013


Tracy got this pretty funky inkless printing kit to get your babies foot and hand prints. We quickly learnt it's best to try this when your babies asleep and not on the nappy change table after you've cleaned up a monster. We got the feet pretty well but the hands were a whole other ball game. Oh well a nice memory anyway.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Sometimes I forget who I am and confuse myself with a Meerkat.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


We got a USB in the mail today with some fabulous photo's that one of Tracy's friends, Fi, who came to Sydney to take them. There are some absolute rippers and she's done a great job. Thanks Fi.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Area Code 305

I had big plans this weekend for a little art project and here we are on a Friday night and I'm finished already. It started earlier when Tracy, Flynn and I headed up to Bunnings to get a few supplies. This was a monumental occasion as it was Flynn's first visit to Bunno's. He was a little disappointed there were no sausages to be had but we'll leave that for another time.

Anyway back to the project. Many moons ago I saw this cool light idea at a market in Brooklyn. It was based on a suspended vintage telephone and looked really funky. I wanted one and thought it would be fairly easy to make. Around that time I was on an expedition up to Cold Spring and found an old phone in one of the vintage stores. I snapped it up with visions of plagiarizing someone's light idea. 

This light has sat in a box for almost two years until this week when I had a bright idea for something original. Not a suspended telephone light but a suspended plant holder. Before I get into that I thought I'd share some history on the phones origin.

Area code 305 covers Miami-Dade county and also some of the Keys in Florida, US. It was actually one of the original area codes created inthe US in 1947 and in its early day covered the entire state of Florida. It's known as a metonym for Miami and Cuban-American rapper Pitbull also refers to himself as Mr 305! What's this got to do with the price of eggs? Well the phone number is 305 238 0176. What I coulnt find was how in the hell it ended up in a junk store in New York State.

Anyway my idea was to suspend the handset and insert a couple of air plants into the handset to hang down. The challenge was how to suspend the handset. I ended up using some Dow with a couple of small metal L brackets screwed in. I'd say it was by design but it was more of an accident but the handset can be easily moved off so you can go and water the plants.

On that topic I selected a couple of Tillandsias. Otherwise known as air plants. I got a Harrisii and a Cotton Candy. These plants get all the nutrients they need through the air and only need an occasional spray of water on the leaves. Pretty funky. Let's see how they survive in the house.

I'm pretty stoked with how it turned out and it's taking pride of place next to the Mr Jones chair.

The before photo

The finished product

Looking pretty cool next to the Mr Jones chair.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ha Coming back at ya

So I've been getting bombarded with photos of delicious food fro a certain couple frolicking around Europe this summer. The unnamed couple continue to antagonize me as well as certain other family members with cafe and restaurant shots from Rome, Florence, Venice, Como and Paris.

Well take this. We're talking 1.8kg's of honey soy marinated filet steak. We're talking roast capsicum and garlic with pancetta and parmesan pureed. Some snow peas for color. Cooked on the grill to perfection. Enjoy your escargot!!!!

A meat lovers dream. 1.8kgs of grilled filet love

Dasha getting comfy on Tracy's feeding pillow. Opps

The boys putting the wrong baby to sleep. Tough life for a bow wow.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

First Time Stroller

This weekend was a vast cry from last weekend's torrential downpour so we thought we'd make the most of it by dusting off our yet unused stroller. We rugged up Flynn and dropped him in the capsule and headed off to Cremorne Point.

The stroller we ended up with was a three wheeled Mountain Buggy. It's meant to be designed to be able to be taken off road. We thought this would be useful for hitting up the park at the end of the street. Stroller shopping is a nightmare with so many different options and brands available. The price spread is also crazy and being first timers we were not 100% sure what we'd want. 

Our stroller was a gift from my parents and I'm glad to say it's a real winner. We powered around the 3km walk in style and Flynn was suitably comfortable sleeping the whole time. Good one Grandma and Granddad.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy July 4th

It's the first time in three years we've not sweated it out with the millions of other people to watch the Macy's July 4th fireworks over the Hudson. Many fond memories of sitting on the hot and hard road waiting for the show and then battling it out with a million other people to get home. 

In honor of the day we lit up a few sparklers and ate hot dogs for dinner. Good memories.

A nutritious dinner

Not quite the street cart dogs but still not to bad

The crowds on the Westside Highway circa July 4th, 2010.

Macy's July 4th Fireworks, 2010