The year is 1998. I've just survived a 24 hour Greyhound bus ride from Seattle to San Fran. I'm zonked but my friends were heading to Alcatraz so I headed down to the wharf to try and get a ticket. I snagged one and got another bucket list item checked off. I'm not sure why but I never managed to make it to the Golden Gate Bridge on that trip.
Anyway he I am back in San Fran and the first thing I did after getting off the plane was motor over to the bridge. Call me a beek (bridge geek) but I love a wander over a famous bridge, especially on a nice sunny day.
I was with a colleague and the plan was to walk over and get a ferry back. Sadly I didn't pick up the ferry was from a town 5 miles on. The walk over was bathed on sunlight. Once on the other side we watched an amazing spectacle as the famous San Fran fog rolled in. I wish I had the Gopro on time lapse.
Coming back in the fog was amazing. It was rolling over the hills at great speed and reducing viability down to 100 or so meters. An amazing experience and glad I finally got to make it over.
Not a cloud in the sky