Saturday, August 23, 2014

Almost Ash's NYC - Momofuku Seiobo

I thought my loyal blog fan base may be getting a bit bored of blogs on Flynn and Dasha so I decided to go old school and try and get some food envy happening. It's Tracy's birthday weekend, week, month and year and she likes to highlight so we kitted up and hit the town for a decent meal. It wasnt quite cocktail hour as it was lunch after all but nevertheless it was good to get out. Di headed over to babysit and we got the light rail into the Casino.

The last time I went to Star was in about 2008 and it was a factor 10 dump. They've since renovated it and we had the pleasure of hitting up Momofuku Seiobo. We'd had some excellent experiences back at this brands motherships in NYC. The pork buns at Ssam, dried and shaved foie gras at Ko and noodles at Noodle Bar so we were eagerly awaiting eating here. Oh and the fact it's been awhile since we've eaten somewhere decent.

It's a similar style to Ko with a dining room wrapped around the kitchen although it is much bigger. It was a pretty nice space although I wouldn't want to sit at one of the tables on the floor. Part of the experience is watching the chef's in synchronized magic preparing the feast ahead.

The starters were small but they kept coming. My fav was the abalone with sunflower and artichoke while Tracy really loved duck broth with a wonton thing in it. After several courses of desserts we were done with this ten course monster.

The verdict, we loved it. I don't think there was a dish in the that was an OMG stand out but it was all really delicious and a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Happy birthday Space.

Prime view of the kitchen

Fried chicken with caviar. Boom

My fav, the abalone dish

Long time, no tripe

Tracy's mandatory chocolate fix, check.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Flynn Olympics

Flynn's walking has taken off this week. He's now running around everywhere like a crazy cat. He took to the toilet paper as a bit of a walker and the seed was laid for this video.

I couldn't find a Frankenstein noise so had to stick to a weird alien growl. You'll see.

For those on iPads:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Busta Move Minty

Little Flynn sure knows how to work it.......

For those on iPads...