Sunday, January 24, 2016

And Now For Something Different

It's been awhile and I thought I'd put up a blog which didnt include either Flynn / Archie, Dasha or the reno. Last weekend Tracy and I decided to get a life and got a babysitter in to look after the boys so we could have a night out on the town. Tracy had booked a table at Six Penny in Stanmore courtesy of Santa's little helper in Wattle Grove. 

We were both a bit excited for our first date night in a long time and dusted off our duds for a night on the town. The night was lovely so we decided to walk and we started off by having a pre dinner drink at the West Village in Petersham, a very appropriately named pub. It's been gentrified into an uber cool style hangout on a quiet street in Petersham. 

From the West Village we headed to Six Penny in Stanmore. Six Penny is a pretty fancy place which only does degustation style meals in a farm-to-table type concept. We went all out and got the eight courses and I got matching wines. It was a quaint little place and the entrees and mains were very good. The duck was smoked which was a little different. We both found the desserts a little to fancy. I much prefer simple things however they'd come out with quite complex desserts which didnt really appeal to me but am sure some people would love them. 

Overall a really great night out.

West Village

Stanmore, such a quiet place between incomming planes

Six Penny

Smoked Duck

Six Penny