Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let it Snow, 2010

Boxing Day 2010 was defiantly one to remember. It was the start of the 6th biggest snow storm to ever hit NYC. We knew the snow was coming but decided to brave it and headed up to Central Park to go ice skating. Sadly they were closing as we got there due to to much snow so we ended up hitting the Plaza and having some over priced coffees. Tracy and Di then split and went to a Broadway show and Nick, Beata and myself went and grabbed some grub and headed home. It was really at night when the show started. There was a constant heavy down pouring of snow and the wind was really kicking in. It was quite entertaining watching some of the people try and walk in it. Over the period of 24 hours we had nearly 30 inches of snow. 

Monday morning had a very post apocalyptic feeling to it. People were walking on the roads as the footpaths were covered in snow. There wee hardly any cars around. I was only one of four people who made it into the office. On my way to work I stopped in at Central Park and in an attempt to get photos ended up to my thighs in snow. In jeans this is not the most pleasant experience. Walking around that afternoon you could see dozens of cars stuck in the snow. I even saw someone skiing to work. That's not an everyday occurrence in Manhattan. 

Since the storm we've had spring like weather and the majority of the snow has melted. What's left is a mix of disgusting slush and rubbish. The garbo's have not been able to collect rubbish in nearly a week so the sidewalks are pretty gross. There is also a lot of controversy about the city's inability to clear snow in certain parts of the city, especially outside of Manhattan. All in all quite an interesting experience.

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