Thursday, April 29, 2010

Summer Almost

I'm currently up in Toronto, Canada and the weather has been pretty good although a touch on the chilly side. Anyway I just had a quick look at the weather forecast for New York this weekend and was shocked to see it's going to hit 30 degrees this Saturday. Awesome.

I think Tracy's marathon effort has rubbed off on me. I stopped by a sports store after work and bought a pair of sneakers. Now I just need to use them but we'll deal with that next week. I was struggling to find anything to watch on the crap Canadian TV and ended up on some random shopping channel trying to flog off a fitness program called P90X. I ended up googling it and there were all these hits on people who had done the 90 day program and their results. I ended up on You Tube where lots of people had filmed their progress. I have no idea what possesses someone to film themselves flexing their muscles like body builders then editing it into a film clip with music by AC/DC. Then again some people might wonder why someone would write a blog entry about it. I must be bored.

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