Monday, June 27, 2011

London 2011

I managed to snag a little work trip over to London this month. It ended up being a very nostalgic trip down memory lane as I was staying at the classy London City Travelodge which was practically across the road from The Lex Lounge.

I got in on the weekend so managed to get some time to cruise around to some of the old haunts. After dumping my bags I made a beeline for Camden Market, one of my old favs. It has expanded but was still full of shops selling average Asian food and delicious orange juice. From there it was back to Shoreditch to explore the old hood. I struck one of those weekends that makes London truly a remarkable place during summer. It must have been 25 degrees and clear blue skys. Everyone was out and about the the pubs were packed with people having a sneaky afternoon beer on the footpaths. I spent time wandering round and headed over to the Shoreditch Markets and then Truman Brewery area. Honestly the place was buzzing. It really reminded me of what a great year I had in London a back in 05/06. I do miss the place. Those that have lived there will know the feeling. 

Sunday I went for a max walk along the Thames. The weather was good although the wind kicked up and it was really dusty. The rest of the week was taken up by work but I managed to get on the jars every night with old friends making it all in all a top trip, even if it was work related.

LC-A London Love

Love the way this photo turned out with the x-pro

Soaking Up The Sun on a Lovely Saturday Afternoon

Bits and Pieces of Graffiti Round Town

And Everything Else......

Random Building on Bishopsgate

Camden Market

Camden Market

London Eye

The Saturday Market on Brick Lane

Building in Moorgate

Bikes @ Truman Brewery 
Camden Market

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