Friday, July 29, 2011

Geelong Invasion - Part II

So what happens if you cross 8 people and a dog with a two bedroom apartment in New York City? Look to the bottom to find out. Here is a photo journey through the second part of the Geelong Invasion 2011.

Look what the cat dragged in.

Starting to get cosy on the couch.

First group dinner at Ristorria. A gluten free cafe in Greenwich Village.

Not every day you see a deer at the beach. This was at Fire Island.

On our way to Fire Island on the ferry.

Boys on the beach.

M&D at Ocean Beach, Fire Island.

Not quite the Wye pub balcony but close enough.

A new enterprise.

Christmas in July, American grill style.

Like seagulls to KFC chips.

I'm so glad we watched the Coney Island hotdog eating contest after eating. It was full on.

A+ for coffee to.

The long wait for the Macy's 4th of July fireworks. Camping out on the Westside Hwy at 28th St.


Jonty with the law.

T and J at the Roosevelt Island tram

Heading into Circ De Soleil - Zarkana @ Radio City Hall.

About to go into the Fed Reserve gold vaults. Just a lazy 500,000 bars of gold stored there.

Long time no deck.

Grand Central station.

We couldn't get enough Ello burgers. Do you miss them yet?

Finally one of the visitors contributing to Dasha upkeep.

Yankee Stadium.

Just after Derek Jeter hit his 3000th ball. Was an amazing game.

Yo yo yo.

The chicks went to see Mary Poppins. We drank beer.

VIP's inside the Statue of Liberty's head.

Pink suits you David!

The original torch on the Statue.

Manhattan Skyline.

Someone has gone a bit retail crazy over here.

Ello's on the Deck.

Last night in red.

Dasha, behave. This toy lasted 28 minutes

Isabella crew about to bail.

Cya. It was an awesome visit.

M&D at some fancy place down in Tribecca.

And not so fancy at The Burger Joint in Le Meridien.

Last adventure on the deck

Sushi-fest 2011.

Grey Grey getting a cut throat.
See ya later GG and Boogs. Great time.

And so what happens? You dress the same and go crazy.........

Hope you had a great time. Tracy and me really did.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Geelong Invasion - Part I

I thought I better put together a blog of the past few weeks mayhem that was the Jones / Lolait invasion of NYC. I just went through iPhoto to get a few select pics to describe the highlights of the visit and 75 photos later I'm finished.

The NYC Arrival Committee

The onslaught begins

Niagara Poo Poo after the Maid of the Mist boat ride. We're all a bit soaked.

Thousand Island's Boat ride

Preparing for a calo-fest American roadhouse style.

More than a few hours spent here!

Jonty's new found fav pizza.

Over in Hoboken soaking up the sun setting on Manhattan.

Washington Square Park

The L crew in Hoboken.

I know where you inherited this habit from.

Jack on the subway

Our gluten free breakfast ended up being bagels in Washington Square Park

The L crew at Brooklyn Bridge.

The L crew on Brooklyn Bridge

Jonty found a new bed buddy.

Jonty about to be asked to give the remote control back 2 hours after it was due!

Jack and Jonty at Coney Island.

Andrew and Mandy and us down in the Meat Packing District.

Coney Island and a classy day at the beach.

Tracy and Jonty on a rollercoaster at Coney Island.

Jonty braving the water at Coney Island. ecch.

Jack getting his face read by a clairvoyant at Coney Island.

The infamous Friday night Ello burgers. Sensational.
Stay tuned for part two when the Drummies crew hit town.