Sunday, April 29, 2012

JL Invasion 2012 - Cherry Blossums

We trekked out to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to check out the famous Cherry Blossoms. As with most things of late, the weather had screwed up their schedule so some trees had already blossomed whereas others were still pre blossom. In a 'normal' year they all pretty much come out at the same time. Never-the-less it was still an impressive sight and outside of the planes flying overhead from JFK, the place was very chilled out.

After the gardens we headed back to the city but stopped at the Dekalb Market in Brooklyn. This market is made up of all these converted shipping containers and was very cool. It was interesting being at a market on a weekday without the usual weekend crowds. Very cool

If you look in the top left you can just make out one of the planes which flew over the serene gardens every 30 seconds.

The gardens had a pretty cool bonsai display

Dekalb Market


  1. Just a gorgeous part of the world with beautiful people!

  2. Blossoms were beautiful, market was very trendy and a lot of fun. 24 to go. Good one SH.

  3. Revisiting the Brooklyn gardens especially seeing the chrry bloosoms and the wonderful Japanese garden section. Check out the 1st shot. Self explanatory!
