Saturday, November 17, 2012

B&W Block

Back in July Tracy and my friend, LBB and her friend, Monika, headed up to Block Island. It was a weekend trip and we had a sensational time up there. There weather was great and the vibe relaxed. It's by far the best beach spot we'd been to up in the part of the world. Anyway here are some black and white lomo shots from the trip.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sydney We're Back

Ok so no exciting tales of exotic Caribbean trips or gritty NY street shots in this blog. It's good ole Sydney and to my loyal subscriber base of 24 people, I hope I dont bore you to much.

Caught the ferry over to Neutral Bay last night to check out my pad. I'd forgotten how relaxing it was finishing the day and getting the ferry home. Met Tracy and we went and checked the place out and the good news is it had not burned down and the inside wasn't covered in spray painted satanic symbols. ETA this weekend is Saturday although we keep threatening Di that we might just stay at her place permanently. I am however getting a bit jealous of the attention the dog is giving her and am convinced there might be a few excessive treats being given out during the day. I'm watching!!!!

The other exciting thing on the topic of the rodent is he got his first ever bone on the weekend. He was like a pig in shit and didn't know what to do with himself. He'd bury it, dig it up, bury it again and even brought it inside. Better break that habit.

And my new series of why I love Australia part 1. Grannies meat pies. Sensational. This bad boy was 2.5 years in the making and smashed in 2.5 minutes.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

B&W Brookers With a Touch Of Sproket

Back in August I went on this monster photo walk through Brooklyn. I started at the Bedford Ave L Train stop and walked down to the Williamsburg Bridge, over it and back up to the East Village. It was a solid 4-5 hours on the trot including a stop at the Brooklyn Navy Yards.

Aimlessly wandering through Brooklyn was one of my favorite things to do when living in NYC. The ever changing street art, quirky shops and things to see made  each trek a real adventure. Oh how I miss it already.

Williamsburg Bridge

Someone left this random skateboard display near the old sugar factory

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dasha and the Tube of Shame

Any other day this could have been Dasha returning home after a big night. Tux slightly ajar, pseudo hangover, waiting for the subway.......but not quite.

Dasha, NYC Subway, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fantasy Week - Lomo Style

Just before I left NYC I picked up a color splash flash on sale at the Lomo store. I've got a ringflash for ny Lomo and I took one of my all time favorite people pics using it with a white flash filter while using it at the Sydney Marti Gras in 2008. 

Sydney Mardi Gras 2008. This is one of my favorite Lomo shots. I took it using the  ring flash with a white filter. The girls almost look superimposed into the picture and such a contrast to the colors in the background.

You can get some really goot people shots at night with it and I thought Fantasy Week was the perfect spot to bust it out. 

The color splash flash is basically a camera flash which you can put colored filters over to give pictures a dominant color. The one I had has red, yellow and white and a space to put other colored flash filters in. Anyway here is a selection of pics from the night.

The Hangover, Flintstone Style

I love shots of happy people with big smiles

I seriously need to learn to stop cutting people's legs off in photos