Monday, December 31, 2012

NYE 2012

We decdied to avoid the crowds and stay at home for NYE this year. I guess there could be worse spots to see the fireworks but anyway. PJ and Hoodie and their respective partners came over and we spent a mellow night chilling out in the back yard. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the wind but it seemed to keep the mossies under control which was nice.

We ventured over to the neighbours driveway to watch the fireworks. It was about an 8 metre commute so fairly pain free. Sitting outside was cool as we'd cranked up a bunch of citronella candles so it had a real campfire vibe to the place. Tracy played exceptional hostess with the mostess which topped off a great night.

All the boats lined up ready and lots of people on Mrs Macquarie's Chair 

Early birders on Kurraba Point. The cruise ship in the background was a little controversial. Apparently it was blocking the views of the trillionairs homes in Point Piper. Tough hey.

Last sunset of 2012

Stunt PJ getting the snaps

The girls distracted by a possum

And a mixture of 2013 fireworks. Another top show.

The aftermath.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Cremorne Point Walk

Ok I thought I'd give you a break from Dasha blogs. Tracy and I recently discovered an awesome walk in our backyard. It's a foreshore walk right around Cremorne Point. It's about a 3 km loop and it takes you through some stunning scenery. The western side is predominately taken up by apartment building which border the walkway. At the southern point there is a reserve with a trail down to a small light house. The eastern side is filled with beautiful old houses with the most immaculate gardens.

It's a very affluent area and this is reflected in the quality of the homes. My recent green thumb discovery is well placed in this area with some awesome examples of ornamental gardens. It's an awesome time of year with the frangipani trees out in full flower.

The other highlight is on the eastern side there is a community garden called the Elephant Ear Garden. It was started by a couple back in the 60's and they spent many a weekend slowly rejuvenating the area. It's really amazing now and well worth a look.

I'm picking this spot is going to be packed for NYE as it has a great view of the bridge.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dasha Does Christmas

Dasha had an exciting Christmas here in Sydney and was the centre of attention as usual. He was spoilt rotten and ate more than his fair share of ham and turkey on Christmas day. Here are a couple of snaps and a video of him opening his present.

In front of the tree

Finally he got to his present. This one lasted almost 15 mins

All this present opening has made me so tired

And it's been a long time between stunt dog photos. Here are a couple of his more recent agile performances.

Wanna be penguin

Taking the leap off the deck

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dasha Does the Beach

Late last week Tracy took Dasha on his first beach expedition since getting back. We found a dog friendly beach in Clontarf where you could take your mutt off the leash. His royal highness thoroughly enjoyed this and brought back half the beach with him in his coat. Lovely.

Those on ipads will have to go to the website to see the video as it doesn't come through in the email you get.

Dasha project managing the gardening on the weekend

A tough life after hanging at the beach. He's loving the sun in the backyard these days.

On our way to the park at Kurraba Point. It's his favorite place in the world at the moment (outside of the kitchen when I'm cooking).

Saturday, December 15, 2012

D.Bourke vs Kurraba Point

Many years ago I used to roll my sleeves up and keep the garden at Hungry Jacks on the Melbourne Road in order.... or some might say disorder. I really enjoyed getting out there and planting things and mowing the lawn. Moving back to Neutral I've been lucky enough to score a back yard again and get onto the gardening band wagon. 

Having rented our place for the past few years it was in dire need of some TLC. Over the past few weeks I've been hitting it pretty hard to try and clean it up and lay a foundation for building it up again. A shocking wisteria infestation and just a whole buch of weeds made it pretty ugly. A lack of watering has also taken a toll on things like the English box hedge. 

I wish I had have taken some pics at the start to follow the journey but forgot so anyway here's some of the blank canvas. Watch this space.

Getting into some potting action with French and Bee Romantic  lavender.  Lavender will feature as I build it out as we both love the smell of it.

Two weeks ago I planted a dwarf lemon tree. I was pleased to see it appears to be growing and not dying. I was a little worried as the soil I planted it in was pretty barren but so far so good.

The finished lavender and former NYC deck chair.

Our new herb garden. Rosemary, thyme, oregano and basil.

Our 'view' of the harbor bridge......if you stand on your tip toes and stretch your neck.

The herb garden and my favorite plant in the garden,  the frangipani tree.

One lone hydrangea was the only thing which survived the mass clean up. Future vegie patch?  

The back 'deck'. Looking forward to getting a hammock out there to soak up the sun.

View from behind the deck