Monday, December 31, 2012

NYE 2012

We decdied to avoid the crowds and stay at home for NYE this year. I guess there could be worse spots to see the fireworks but anyway. PJ and Hoodie and their respective partners came over and we spent a mellow night chilling out in the back yard. I'm not sure if it was the heat or the wind but it seemed to keep the mossies under control which was nice.

We ventured over to the neighbours driveway to watch the fireworks. It was about an 8 metre commute so fairly pain free. Sitting outside was cool as we'd cranked up a bunch of citronella candles so it had a real campfire vibe to the place. Tracy played exceptional hostess with the mostess which topped off a great night.

All the boats lined up ready and lots of people on Mrs Macquarie's Chair 

Early birders on Kurraba Point. The cruise ship in the background was a little controversial. Apparently it was blocking the views of the trillionairs homes in Point Piper. Tough hey.

Last sunset of 2012

Stunt PJ getting the snaps

The girls distracted by a possum

And a mixture of 2013 fireworks. Another top show.

The aftermath.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, looks like it was a great show. Here's to a very exciting 2013!:)
