Monday, April 8, 2013

Cienfuegos Boogie

Tracy and I were in Cienfuegos in Cuba on one of those little taxi bikes when we pulled up at this intersection to give way to traffic. The locals had setup some serious DJ equipment and one of the little lads was out seriously boogieing to the tunes. Good work.

Surry in a Hurry

Had a friend up from Melbourne on the weekend and we decided to head down to Surry Hills to have a bit of a wander. It's been awhile since I've done some aimless wandering in random spots. I blame Bunnings and the garden for that but it was good to get out anyway.

Started at this cool little cafe on Goulburn and Crown Streets called Pablo's Vice. It's a little hole in the wall place and the coffee was great and the dirty bacon and egg roll was made even better by the copious amounts of chilli jam they put on it.

The rain may have been cause for a little stop into Trinity and then it we cut a lap down Bourke St. I need to get down that way a bit more and explore as I think there was some pretty cool street art around the place and that was without really exploring.

A dirty bacon roll from Pablo's Vice.

The Bakery on Bourke Street which is always crazy busy.

I love the terrace houses on Bourke Street

Porchetta burger from the Bank Hotel. This was sensational

Newtown Hotel

Friday, April 5, 2013

Run Dasha Run

This blog is dedicated to a certain subscriber who was starting to tire a little of pictures of the garden and Dasha. You know who I'm talking about!!!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bubs Doing The Harlem Shake

A bit of fun tonight.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

H2 Ohhhhh

This week's little project was to put a water feature into the backyard. Sadly an infinity pool would not quite fit so went with the fountain. I'd spent some time trying to find one on eBay but was shocked at how expensive some of them were. In the end I elected to build my own.

I started with a massive pot from Bunnings. It was not glazed inside so I had to put a few coats of this pond sealer stuff in there. It was pretty easy after that. I got the low voltage light and pump so put the power cords through one of the hole sin the bottom and then used this really cool epoxy stuff called Knead It. It's basically this stuff which looks and feels like Blutak. You knead it for a minute or so and then apply and it dries within an hour and is rock solid.

I topped it off with a little metal bird I got from some junk shop in in Brisbane yesterday. It's come up a treat and the sound of the water is really relaxing.

DIY water feature part 1.

Sealing the pot up with the epoxy dough.

Opps this spray attachment was a bit to big

The finished product staring the junk bird

My rose bushes are looking a bit sick

The fountain at night