Monday, April 8, 2013

Surry in a Hurry

Had a friend up from Melbourne on the weekend and we decided to head down to Surry Hills to have a bit of a wander. It's been awhile since I've done some aimless wandering in random spots. I blame Bunnings and the garden for that but it was good to get out anyway.

Started at this cool little cafe on Goulburn and Crown Streets called Pablo's Vice. It's a little hole in the wall place and the coffee was great and the dirty bacon and egg roll was made even better by the copious amounts of chilli jam they put on it.

The rain may have been cause for a little stop into Trinity and then it we cut a lap down Bourke St. I need to get down that way a bit more and explore as I think there was some pretty cool street art around the place and that was without really exploring.

A dirty bacon roll from Pablo's Vice.

The Bakery on Bourke Street which is always crazy busy.

I love the terrace houses on Bourke Street

Porchetta burger from the Bank Hotel. This was sensational

Newtown Hotel

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