Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 7 and 8 - The Start of the Frame

It's been a really productive fortnight onsite. Now that the steelwork is up it enabled the team to start on the frame. A run of pretty decent, albeit hot weather has enabled work to move along at a steady pace. During week seven the downstairs frame and first floor went up and during week eight the upstairs frame and roof joists were started. It's really cool as you can get much more of a perspective of the build now. 

The single most exciting thing to happen this fortnight was the brick wall went up. I'll save a separate blog to go into intricate detail on this topic.

The 'district vistas' from upstairs

Future ensuite window

Sunset over the flour mills from our bedroom window.

1 comment:

  1. Great progress, exciting. Love watching it come to life!
