Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Joys of Moving

You know what I hate about moving? The packing. I guess I was fortunate enought to only have to move a room full of crap but it was still a hell bent two weeks getting things in boxes and moved down to Storage a la Parents. One of the joys of moving with work was they put you in contact with an end to end movement service. This company will organise pretty much everything. In away they were a bit like a car. In this case they were more in alignment with a Rolls Royce. Me well I was after the 88 XF Falcon ute with rust and a window that did not work. I got some quotes to get about 7 cubic metres of stuff moved from Sydney to Geelong. The cheapest one I got was $1400.00. So I got onto Gumtree and made a few calls and managed to get on board a backload going to Melbourne. The best part was it was only going to cost $500.00. The worst part was the guy hardly spoke English and said yes to everything. I was hedging my bets that my stuff was more liekly to end up in Darwin than Geelong. That's assuming it arrived somewhere at all. The other downer was he was going while I was away so that left me two whole joyous nights to pack. With the help of Tracy we somehow managed to get it all done. I think she was quite amused at my inability to throw out cloths, expecally old t-shirts. I blame my mum for that. So for several days I waited in anticipation and sure enough within the hour he said he would drop the stuff off my old mate actually did. Who knows if there are bricks in the boxes or if everything is smashed it got down there. Apart from the stress of stressing it was the easiest move I have done.

I did end up with about four tea chests worth of crap that I was supposedly going to take with me. I mean snow gear which I have not used since 2004 really is essential right? Taking a lead from my last little foray into the world of discount removals and owing to my sick state I got another couple of lads to move my remaining stuff from North Sydney to Bondi. Again no drama Polly Farmer. Lucky for me Tracy's flatmate was away for a couple of weeks and that enabled me to spread out everywhere. It was chaos for awhile there. Somehow I managed to squeeze most of my stuff into several suitcases and all was sorted.

Going, Going


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