I can remember the last winter I spent in New York was an absolute blinder for snow. There were a record number of snow days at the high school which was great for us kids. Well it seems that New York is having an absolute bonzer year again for snow. I got my first big dump last week. It was snowing pretty heavily when I went to bed and I was up for a shock the next morning.
It was quite exciting as it took about half a day for the weather to make up its mind if it was going to snow or sleet or rain. Once it did start it did not stop for about 24 hours. The city did look nice with a layer of fresh white snow but then the novelty of it wore off in pretty quickly when the cons of snow came. Obviously it's freakin cold for it to be snowing. I did not exactly pack any waterproof shoes so walking through layers of slush and dodging puddles of it was not an easy task. Also I found walking with leather soled work shoes is a bit of an occupational hazard on icy footpaths. Oh and dodging chunks of snow falling from buildings was also fun.
Apparently it is meant to snow once or twice more during March and the weather should start to warm up again. It was quite a relief getting off the plane in Houston today and being able to walk around in a t-shirt in the sun.
These photos look like fun. Meanwhile in Singapore we nearly melted in the heat, now in Oz just been attacked by pelting rain! 2 sleeps to birthday. Boogs & Gra Gra