Sunday, January 2, 2011


Thought I'd post a quick update on the little Rat a.k.a Dasha. He is now four months old and weighing in at a healthy 7 pounds. He is basically into chewing everything that he is not meant to chew. His day consists of this:

1: Sleeping
2: Eating
3: Pooing
4: Weeing
5: Demanding attention
6: Barking to start the cycle at point one again.

We still love him to death though. He has had his last shots so we can now take him outside for walks. It's interesting as NYC is such a hard city but when you have a dog it's amazing the number of people that come up and talk to you. He is very spoilt and even has an electric blanket in his bed. Anyway here are some of the latest and greatest snaps.

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