Thursday, January 20, 2011

A-meat-i-ca Part I

This is a first entry in a series of blogs I'm going to dedicate to meat in America. On the surface a country famous for a juicy steak but under the hood it's a little different. Part I is dedicated to my all time fav meat. The humble loin lamb chop. I used to love getting these back in Oz and covering in dried lamb herbs. I remember my granny cooking them (Hi Gran - your on the web forever now) and I could have easily eaten them by the dozen. So this week I took my new favorite American past time of ordering online and getting it delivered and got some chops. 

I used Fresh Direct which I am a total convert to. The beauty of this town is EVERYTHING gets delivered. Lamb in itself is quite difficult to find in Manhattan. I don't know if this is common across the rest of the country but these fine folk don't know what a delicious dish they are missing out on. Anyway I ordered some chops online but in my haste I failed to look at the price of them. I got the shock of my life today when I went to cook them and saw how much they were. Aussies please sit down. Four lamb chops were a last 33 clams. OMG. I freaked out. I could have got a filet mignon for cheaper. 

Admittedly the chops were delicious but 33 bucks. C'mon. Upon reading the label I noticed they were antibiotic free. I love a country which has a knackered healthcare system yet can feed their cows antibiotics. Hmmm maybe that was why they were so expensive because the sheep were raised a bit more naturally.

Anyway here are a couple of pics of what 33 dollar lamb chops look like when they are cooking and the end result. Dasha could not have done a better job. Stay tuned for Part II, yellow chicken.

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