Monday, January 21, 2013

Jonty in da Northside House

Last weekend Jonty flew up by himself to come hang out in Sydney. It was an action packed weekend and I'm still just recovering as the rage rat wore me out.

Jonty flew up late Thursday night and took Dasha to the beach with Tracy on Friday. Friday night we headed down to Dulwich hill to watch a Sydney Festival event called Concrete and Bones. It was an outdoor theatre event in the skate park down there and featured skateboarders, BMXers, break dancers and a whole lot of fun. We both really enjoyed it. 

Saturday we got up and did the mandatory weekend Bunnings run and came home and did some gardening. Saturday afternoon was a real highlight and we ended up doing the bridge climb. The weather was a tad off but we still enjoyed it all the same. Saturday night we came home then headed up to Military Road where we had some delicious Mexican food.

Sunday we had a little sleep in and then headed round to Cremorne Point to explore the secret garden and the light house. From here we scootered round to Luna Park and spent the afternoon there. Our favorite thing there was the Water Wars which involved catapulting water ballons at each other. A super fun weekend.

Williamsburg meets Dulwich Hill

Concrete and Bones

Backyard gardening

His royal highness with breakfast in bed

All that bridge climbing works up a thirst

Mexican Dinner

The secret garden

Cremorne Point

Luna Park

The diving show

Post Water Wars

Here I am 'enjoying' the merry-go-round

Find Jonty

On top of the bridge
Slave labor

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blaze @ The Opera House

Last night Tracy and I got down and cultural and headed to Blaze. It was a show full of break dancing to hip hop hosted in the concert hall. After donning our oxygen masks to hit the cheap seats (which were not so cheap) we settled in for a break dancing spectacular. 

It was an interesting show although a tad boring in the middle but it got more exciting near the end when they got the audience involved a bit more.

Afterwards we went for a wander round Circular Quay before getting the ferry home. The place was pumping and there were some really cool pop up bars around the place. Shame they are only the for a month.

Bon voyage

Another pop up champagne bar at the Opera House

Blaze in action

Opera bar pumping.

The crowd at the Opera House

Opera bar cranking as normal

One of the pop up bars by the Opera House. Was a bit windy to enjoy it though

On the ferry on the way home

And a short video of the event:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Garden Update

So I'm a couple of weeks into the garden and some of my plants are really taking off. I've got a big weekend of gardening planned in a weeks time when I'm importing Geelong's number one veggie gardener (Jonty) to come up and help out. 

Anyway here's a couple of pictures of progress.

Chili number 1 starting to sprout

Chili number 2 really showing signs of progress

Basil is out of control. Have to prune it twice a week so it doesn't overrun the Bay leave tree

Rosemary. I've been hacking into this when cooking lamb on the BBQ.



I might have gone a bit overboard on the seedlings. Not sure where I'm going to plant them but might get into some of that urban guerilla gardening. Anyway Jonty you'll be planting a few of these into the ground next week. In this batch there are more chili, capsicum, parsnip and carrots.

Tomato's, strawberry and Capsicum

First signs of tommies.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sloth Dawg

Sometimes I wish I was a mutt. Tough life back in Sydney hey Dash?

Dasha's various sleeping poses over the past week......

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy BBQ Day

Today I finally picked up our wedding gift from my family which was a wicked BBQ. Big thanks for that. It's one of the things I really missed having in NYC and my experience nearly burning down the house in Provincetown on our road trip turned me off charcoal BBQ's. 

I ended up with a BBQs Galore unit with these cool little brick things in it. My mate, PJ, was kind enough to come over and assist setting it up in the rather blistering sun. Many thanks there. Tonight I ran it through its maiden voyage of carnivorous love. It did not disappoint  A couple of filet mignons and some lamb cutlets. Over cooked the meat a touch but just need to get used to it. The smoke that came off the thing was out of control. I'm going to be popular with the neighbors. 

I ended up getting one of those rotisserie adaptors and am hanging to get a chicken on there. Maybe one for next Sunday night.

Setting up the bad boy

Woahhh we're half way there

Jammed down the side by the oregano

Maiden cooking.
P.S. - Di, the BBQ set was very useful. Thx.