Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Garden Update

So I'm a couple of weeks into the garden and some of my plants are really taking off. I've got a big weekend of gardening planned in a weeks time when I'm importing Geelong's number one veggie gardener (Jonty) to come up and help out. 

Anyway here's a couple of pictures of progress.

Chili number 1 starting to sprout

Chili number 2 really showing signs of progress

Basil is out of control. Have to prune it twice a week so it doesn't overrun the Bay leave tree

Rosemary. I've been hacking into this when cooking lamb on the BBQ.



I might have gone a bit overboard on the seedlings. Not sure where I'm going to plant them but might get into some of that urban guerilla gardening. Anyway Jonty you'll be planting a few of these into the ground next week. In this batch there are more chili, capsicum, parsnip and carrots.

Tomato's, strawberry and Capsicum

First signs of tommies.

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