Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Both Tracy and I were thoroughly excited to have our first Christmas with Flynn. Keeping traditions up in our ever shrinking home we went and got a nice real Christmas tree from the local Scout group. We learnt this year to get in early as the trees are a red hot sell out. We ended up getting what we both thought was a lovely tree. 

It was a double special year as my family were up from Geelong to celebrate Christmas in Sydney. Sadly the weather didn't come to the party but we had fun none-the-less. 

In preparation for years to come the little fella was up at the crack of dawn. Probably more a result of 1770 jet lag and probably why at 8pm at night Tracy and I are both knackered. We had a blast opening presents with him and laughed at his interest in the paper wrapping rather than the actual presents.

Flynn as really spoiled and got lots of really nice presents from Santa, friends and family. We managed to have a nice breakfast at home before the rain set in and then ventured out to Manly for a late lunch at the Bavarian Bier Cafe on the pier. Good call on eating out and I think everyone had lots of fun. Stay tuned for some 1770 action in the next blog.


  1. And oh boy did he love his Christmas bone!

  2. Awesome Christmas fun with family. Loved the lunch!
