Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Flynn - Christmas 2013

Luckily most days are more smiles than tears for Master Flynn. Well the exception is his little witching hour between 5 and 7 but that's nothing a bath and the boob cannot fix. I've put a couple of photos of the happy bub from the summer holidays so far....

6 month injections the day before holidays. Tracy was the one who needed to be comforted,

Cool dude with the most expensive kids sunnies ever (they stayed on the shelf)

By day a pool table, at night a change table.

Someones looking cheeky after eating grass

Qantas' new edible tickets

Santa's helper #1

Santa's helper #2

MC Flynn (thx BR crew for the hat)
Ok I never wanted to be one of those parents that dress their kids in the same duds as themselves but when I saw these boardies and t-shirt on a recent trip to Manly I could help myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Like father, like son! Santa certainly didn't miss calling by Neutral Bay. We all enjoyed sharing his first Christmas with you.
