Monday, September 12, 2011

Summer 2011 Bike Ride

A couple of weeks ago Tracy and I hired a couple of bikes and went for our annual ride through Manhattan. Last year we went south so this year we thought we'd go north. Well what a monster day it ended up being with us covering near on 40kms. For all you bike nerds that might not sound that much but for a couch surfing bludger like me it was huge.

We started the day by riding up Park Avenue. This had been closed to car traffic for the day as part of a summer outdoors program. It was quite cool to ride up around Grand Central and other parts of the city which is traditional a traffic nightmare. From there we headed through Central Park, up through Harlem and to the Cloisters. From there it was a beeline home along the Hudson bike path.

We lived on the edge this year and took his royal highness, Dasha along for the ride. We decked out a basket with some cushions and were good to go.

The weather was great and biking is such a great way to see the city. I can give you the hot tip that we were glad to get home on the Saturday night.

Park Avenue, Midtown

Park Ave, Midtown

Central Park


King Dasha

George Washington Bridge, NYC

King Dasha

Hudson River walk, NYC

George Washington Bridge, NYC

Hmm 181st St I think.

The Cloisters, NYC

Hmmm no idea.

Eastside of the Island, NYC

Grand Central Station, NYC


  1. That pooch is thoroughly spoilt. Loved the Cloisters, next time I would like a chariot I could sit in...can you organise this please?

  2. I would have made the dog run!
