Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RIP Elevation Burger - 2010 - 2012.

Ok I must warn you that you may need a tissue when you read this. We've had a fairly tragic event happen over here. Most of my massive subscriber base have visited us over here and know the frequency at which we wander down to Elevation Burger on Friday nights. Well last week we were quite controversial and headed there on Saturday night instead. Having been over a week since we'd been we were both keen for a pre movie Ello session. After motoring down there we were greeted by darkness. It was closed.


I cannot express the feeling of utter culinary sadness at the passing of our favourite burger joint, ever.

For those that have not been, Ello's was a hybrid between McDonalds and your local burger joint. They were so addictive and we used to head there every Friday after work. Quite sad when you think of all the places we could go in NYC but we just loved it.

Anyway now it's just a memory.

R.I.P Ello's


  1. Seriously I can't believe it. Ummm need to Suss out a substitute real quick. Only 4 wks till we hit town again

  2. i feel your pain, i remember when you stopped working at hungry jacks and the free or discounted burgers suddenly ended.

  3. Tradegy, my favourite burger joint in the world

  4. Look on the bright saved yourself 7 kgs!
