Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Afternoon in the Village

And another glorious Sunday afternoon down in the Village. Dusted off my digi, grabbed mutley and we headed to Washo's to let the bow wow stretch his legs. Here are some pic's from the wander......

Tremont is a great little restaurant down on W4th.

Tracy trying to train Dasha to 'come'

The standoff

Dasha being chased by an Aussie

So many things wrong with this photos.
1: Dasha has had the snip
2: It's the wrong end
3: The other dog is a make.

A sign of things to come. It's a good thing once cafe's start bringing their tables out again. 

Oh dear. I hope he does not keep this habit for Neutral.

1 comment:

  1. Bring it on...summer. We can't wait for spring. Princess Dasha what is going on!, what a cracker.
