Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Random Williamsburg Pics

Two weeks ago I was walking along the Eastside and got a perspective back to Williamsburg which I had not seen before. There was this really old factory next to the Williamsburg Bridge which looked like a photo lovers paradise. I decided to explore last weekend and found it was the old Domino sugar factory. At one point it was producing over 50% of all of America's sugar. With 16+ ounce soda's that's a lot of sugar. Here's a selection of more random snaps from my Williamsburg walk.

Almost like the Beetles

Elvis f@#ked Marilyn

Some seriously pimped wheels

The sugar factory in the background
Loving this random selection of used skateboards which someone left here

I can see you
Williamsburg Bridge

It wasn't Dasha
We know what side does it best!
Manhattan Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge and Downtown

1 comment:

  1. Can't get enough go bridges and sandshoes over power lines. So much to see in NYC
