Monday, August 27, 2012


I've been down to Philly countless times for work but never really taken the opportunity to check it out in any detail. A opportunity came up to get down again so this time I organized to stay at a mates place and check it out.

We ended up having a cracking dinner on the Friday night at this tapas place but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. It was probably the highlight of the weekend although it did set us up for being a little under the weather on Saturday.

We did eventually surface and headed down to the Italian market on 9th Street. It was very cool and had heaps of delicious food. From there we went to brunch at some Greek place and then off to see the Liberty Bell.

It was kind of a contrasting trip to the one we did in Boston in January. Whereas Boston was probably the coldest place we've ever been it was filthy hot down in Philly on this day. We made it to the art museum and checked out the Rocky stairs but after this we were pretty knackered. We needed air con pronto so we headed to the university district and to the Institute of Modern Art.

They had two exhibitions on but the one called 'Happy' by Stefan Sagmeister was by far one of the best exhibitions I've ever been to. The guy is a graphic designer and creative genius. There were all types of random things including phtos, mixed media, electronic stuff. We spent ages in here and I would have loved to have gone back.

From here we headed back to NY on the train. A great spot but maybe more enjoyable on a non-40 degree day.

Disposable bathers from the Four Seasons

Market Street

Italian Market

Liberty Bell


Photos from the exhibition at Institute of Modern Art

Not from the Art Gallery, This was legit.

1 comment:

  1. Bit jealous of the bather fashion. Some very 'creative' pieces of Art also! Great discovery.
