Sunday, August 14, 2011

Adventures in Pinhole Photography - Part 1 of 523

I decided to do a bit of a science experiment and see if I could convert my Diana+ into a pinhole camera on Polaroid Instant photo paper. In short the experiment was a complete disaster but practice makes perfect. I attempted to put some credit card sized photo paper in the back of the Diana where the film normally goes. I tried exposing for various times but still no dice. 

I got a red light bulb and set up one of my bathrooms as a bit of a darkroom. Once you expose the paper you need to roll it flat to allow the chemicals in the paper to set the photo. All in all a bit of a fun and I will continue to fine tune until I get something resembling a shape. I also went and got some very small tins I'm going to try and build a pinhole camera out of. Wish me luck.
I'm guessing the bright spot is where the light came in. Also wondering if they ruined red from the light bulb I used in my 'dark room.' Who knows.
P.S my massive blog subscriber base of 15 people are getting value for money in August. This is blog number 8. I must be bored at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds complicated. Lucky it is Science Week and you are having fun. Maths shows a Blog every second day. Good job.
