Saturday, August 13, 2011

YN 500

Two weeks ago I headed up to City Island in the Bronx with Tracy and Matt. It is about an hour away by subway and bus and I read that it was a taste of New England in New York City. I wont go into to much detail here as I'll do a separate blog once I get photos back. One thing I did get up there from an old junk shop was a toy camera called a YN 500. Cost a princely sum of 5 clams. Google it if you want to see what it looks like but it's a little plastic job with a 50mm lens. I just got my first roll back from it. 

Seems I had some problems rolling the film on which I need to check out more but I ended up with some very random multiple exposed shots. The experiment will continue.


  1. Interesting. Thought you planned it that way with all your skill and knowledge (on photography).
