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City Island is accessible by subway and then transferring to a bus. I'd done a bit of a reccy on Google Maps and to be honest it looked a bit bleak from the sky. The word on the ground was City Island was a great place to get some seafood and eat by the water.
It was a cracking day when we got up there and we headed straight for Johnny's Reef Restaurant at the south end of the island. Now there are fish and chip shops and there are fish and chip shops. This was of the later category and I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it. It was deep fry central and you could pretty much get anything you want battered. There were hundreds of people and the many tables outside were testament to the turnover in the place. The food was really good and we all left there with full belly's.
From Johnny's we started to walk back. We aimlessly wandered around and found some really quaint side streets where there were these lovely cottages that really did have a New England vibe. Walking off the main road felt like you could have been in the tail end of Maine. The other big highlight of the day was a couple of Antique stores (a.k.a junk shops) where we had some entertaining conversations with the old guys that ran them. All in all a great spot to visit.
Great photos.