Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Road Trip Part 1 - Ben and Jerry's

Sometimes I wonder if we went on this road trip to go and see the fall leaves or really to head up to Vermont to the mothership of ice cream love, the Ben and Jerry's factory. As you may be aware a certain person on the trip (Female, Sydneysider, Spatial issues) is a bit of a fan of the frozen stuff and has been known to consume a tub in one sitting. I was a bit shocked to find that our GPS had a detour route in it via the Ben and Jerry's factory. 

No sooner had we parked the car but Madam T was bursting out and busted into a sprint to get on the 4pm tour. It was quite funny really. I've never seen her so attentive or focused as she was during the tour. Her eyes really lit up when they mentioned they produce some 250,000 tubs of the stuff every day.

The best bit however was the sample at the end. Oh and the neoprene ice cream tub holder she got. No more manky tea towels for this pro!

Trip Stat
Number of tubs of Ben & Jerry's eaten on the trip: 2

Now how did this end up in the GPS?

Tracy's about to enter heaven.

Told you she was running to get in.

Look at the smile on that dial

She has tasted every one of them.

And another huge smile


Look at the focus


  1. Looks delicious. I would be running too! Great photos. Next...?
