Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Road Trip Part 2 - Not quite Ben and Jerry's but.....

I'll be the first to admit I don't mind a bit of B&J's but my current real soft spot is for Lobster Rolls. I'd never had one of these before I came over here but have now become officially addicted. The first one I had was at a street market down in the Lower East Side and I've been a sucker for them ever since. I'm not sure if it's the Lobster or the roll grilled in butter that I've become addicted to.

So on the trip I headed back to the mothership of Lobster, the state of Maine, and to a bit of a locals secret in Cape Elizabeth called Lobster Shack

Lobster Shack was quite a way out of town and was a bit like an old coastal fish and chip shop. It was at a great setting and had nice views of the nearby lighthouses however the Arctic weather made sitting outside a bit of a dream. Walking in you were greeted by a tank of live Lobsters. You pretty much pick your lobster and they grab it and chuck it straight in the pot. They were so good I snuck in a second one when no one was looking.

Trip Stat:
Number of lobster rolls eaten: 4

The Lobster Shack, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

The live lobsters


The menu was not needed this time. I had tunnel vision.

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