Thursday, May 31, 2012

Worse Than Having Your Wisdom Teeth Yanked

Well almost........moving.

Help me. I cannot get to my deck. The bed that so many slept on.

2 years of crap in boxes.....all Tracy's!!!

Dasha busy project managing the move

Monday, May 28, 2012

Corner Bistro

It's a bit of a random experience the first time you order a burger in the US and they ask you how you would like it cooked (eg rare, medium, charcoal etc). The burger places in NYC tend to make these monster patties and not the thin style ones we're used to back in Oz. The debate about where you can get the best burger is sometimes as passionate as to where you can get the best Pizza (Angelo's on 57th if you want my opinion). Well without a doubt our fav burger place is Corner Bistro in the West Village, Outside the fact it's across the road their Bistro Burger is a glutones feast of carnivorous proportions.

It's simply some meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and onion but what makes it special is the crispy deep fried bacon. Covered with mustard and ketchup (translated dead horse) this thing is a monster. Hoegaarden on draft also makes any visit to this dive bar wanna be mecca of burgology a well rewarded experience.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Abigdon Market

On Saturday morning there is this lovely little farmers market down at Abigdon Square. It's pretty small but covers all the basics. We've popped down there many times and wandered down there this morning while taking the mutt for a walk.

Tracy loved this dog. He was a cutie.

Also we were pretty sad to see our last guests leave this morning. I'm going to go back through the calendar and figure out how many people have stayed at Hotel TA. What was ironic was Hoodie was our first guest back in June 2010 and our last guest to stay here.

Dasha didnt want Hoodie and Tracy to leave

Sigh, I finally get my apartment back.

Why I Love NYC Part 46

Ok it's been awhile since I've done a Why I Love NYC blog. Last night was another cracking example. A mate of mine was over from Sydney with his better half and it was their last night in town. I'd snagged a table at River Cafe in Brooklyn so we decided to go out in style. We headed over to Dumbo and then went for a bit of a wander down to the river. From there we headed to the cafe.

I work with a lady who has been to every Michelin star rated restaurant in NYC. I'm talking Per Se, Nobu etc. If you see the list you'll realise that's no small accomplishment. When talking to her I asked what her favorite place was and she came back with River Cafe. The place is on an old barge right under the Brooklyn Bridge. It has awesome views of Manhattan and a real feel of old school intimacy inside. 

After smashing a few cocktails we managed to snag a window table (after a loaded handshake). We then decided on getting the six course banquet. It was truly delicious. We've had some mixed experiences at some of these high end places but we all walked out of this place thoroughly impressed. I wont go into detail about the food. See the comments under the photos. Suffice to say Tracy is now a fan of fois gras. Who would have thought!!!

After a fantastic dinner we headed back to Manhattan and took the opportunity to walk off the delicious food by walking over the Brooklyn Bridge. From here we jumped in a cab and cut a lap through Times Square. By now it was 2am so Hoodie and I dropped the girls at home and then we went to the Meat Packing district to go humour ourselves at watching the lovelies trying to navigate the cobblestone roads in 4 inch heels. Amusing.

Thumbs up NYC.


Brooklyn Bridge

Inside the River Cafe

Hoodie and Tracy (His GF) were more than generous in covering dinner. Thankssssss. If I had have known he was going to pull that stunt then maybe I would have ordered the 1990 Pomerol.

These bad boys were cooked in the juice of several different fruit.

Ahhh you know my thoughts on Lobster.

The highlight of the night. The most delicious fish I've ever had.

Fois Gras. Now I have a bone to pick with Tracy. For someone who doesnt eat much more than toasted cheese, she didnt leave a lot of this on her plate for me to seagull. 

Rib Eye


Brooklyn Bridge

Times Square

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bon Jovi 2012

We managed to make it a trifecta on the weekend for seeing Bon Jovi over in the good ole US of A. Tracy got tickets to the Bamboozle festival for my birthday and Bon Jovi was one of the head line acts. The festival was held down at Asbury Park which is on the Jersey Shoreline. This place is a pretty famous music venue and has had some big names play there in its day. It was a bit of a mission to get to and screaming babies and teenage chicks did not make the ride any more pleasant. It must have been a generational thing cause all the juniors got off half way down to go to another rave style festival. 

After securing a hoodie to deal with the sudden burst of cold we headed towards the main stage to get a spot for the gig. of all the concerts I'd been to this was the closest I'd been to the stage. It was pretty cool and not just weather wise. He came out with all the usual songs and it was great fun.