We managed to make it a trifecta on the weekend for seeing Bon Jovi over in the good ole US of A. Tracy got tickets to the Bamboozle festival for my birthday and Bon Jovi was one of the head line acts. The festival was held down at Asbury Park which is on the Jersey Shoreline. This place is a pretty famous music venue and has had some big names play there in its day. It was a bit of a mission to get to and screaming babies and teenage chicks did not make the ride any more pleasant. It must have been a generational thing cause all the juniors got off half way down to go to another rave style festival.
After securing a hoodie to deal with the sudden burst of cold we headed towards the main stage to get a spot for the gig. of all the concerts I'd been to this was the closest I'd been to the stage. It was pretty cool and not just weather wise. He came out with all the usual songs and it was great fun.
Cool Shots