Saturday, May 19, 2012

JL INvasion 2012 - The Finale

Yes grey grey it's been awhile. Rather than spend to much time typing I thought I'd put a bunch of pictures up here of highlights of the trip.

Mum out walking Dasha. In front of the Spotted Pig

Knick's versus Wizards

Madison Square Garden, after the game

Madison Square Garden, after the game

Dasha on his deck

Grey Grey after his spending spree


Katz Deli, Sadly not on the gluten free circuit

Thompkins Square Park dog run

Snail number 27 on the deck

2011 deck enhancements, wine holders.

Dash on the train to Cold Spring

Mum and sis on the deck

Choc Eclair number 34. I really wanted to put the other photo up!!!!

Out the front of Manley's, West Village

Action from the Deck. Possible gas leak


What I had to make 8 x per day for princess

Hudson Farms at Cold Spring, delicious

A burger for brunch

Heading to Macy's for some serious shopping

Grey grey in case you forget the address

Rooftop bar on fifth avenue

Mucking around with the phone I got from Cold Spring

Colicchio and Sons, Meat Packing District

Umm look out there is a bridge behind you

The arrival

One of only three times sis touched Dasha

MJ Cirq show at MSG

Cooking up a storm

Ahhh GF cheese sticks

The one meal we ate at home

"Will I ever get my house back in peace?"

Bag in a bag in a bag.

We managed to fit all this in one taxi

Bye for now and hope you had a great time.


  1. I want to come back
    Still lots and lots of restaurants to try

  2. What a fab time thanks for lifetime experiences...xx getting those cases into taxi was very clever Ash. The snails on the deck wow. I wanna come back

  3. Get it right. It was 5 times and only the once with gloves on. I too want to come back. Photos are great reminders of just the best time. Another eclair please. Some serious shopping was done!

  4. Classic with gloves on
