Saturday, May 19, 2012

Retirement Funds

So we're in the midst of packing up and decided to throw an impromptu apartment sale. I'm now officially a paid artist. Within 15 minutes of opening up I sold my snowboard light, Eiffel Tower and Empire State paintings. Quite exciting. I'm convinced with the right person I could have made a mint from the snowboard light but time was of the essence. Anyway we made enough today to cover a very nice dinner over in Brooklyn at Dressler tonight. 

60 clams for this bad boy. not bad for something pilfered from a garbage can in Williamsburg and the light fitting from City Island.

The 'apartment sale'

I've also dumped a few other recent random photos from around the neighborhood.

Dasha making a wild escape from his deck

Dasha busy working while we're packing

The Meatball Shop. Great food, if you can ever get in

Redwood in Chelsea. Ate there last night and was actually pretty good. Check the next pic for a sample
Lobster Sliders. I say no more

A hawk in Washington Square Park


Tremont, West Village

Interesting window display in the Marc Jacobs shop in the village


  1. Selling stuff with yellow tickets on. Not good! Good to see you are getting rid of some junk. You are quite the artist. Good one

  2. Fantastic result. Sad but all good things.... You have both had an amazing time in the US. Now for the next phase.......! Thanks for having us 3 times. Given us great memories also. Too many highlights to mention, thousands of photos and larger waistlines!! LOL.
