Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Last weekend or maybe it was the one before that, Tracy, Dasha and I headed over to Dumbo to check out the dog run under the Manhattan Bridge. It was our first really hot and humid day of the summer but I think everyone was pretty pumped up to be rid of the longest spring in history. The dog run ended up being pretty average so we decided to take Dasha to the 'beach.' I'd like to think it was inspired by St Lucia with volcanic black sand but I think it was just dirty. Dash was not that keen to get in the water but could you blame him?

Dumbo is one cool part of town, even on a 30 degree day.

If you look close enough you can see the Empire State Building perfectly framed in the base of the bridge.

the 'volcanic' sand

This hound dawg must have been filthy hot, even in the styling white suit.

Take two in the water

I love how New Yorkers get their kit off on the grass.

The line for Grimaldi's Pizza. It ok but I dont know if I'd wait for 2 hours for it.


  1. I've been here - down under manhatten bridge overpass. Clever picture with framing the
    'ESB'. We walked on the sand also. Great memory of this place.

  2. Love the framed shot of ESB. Totally spoilt with all the blogs...umm someone has been there! Great memories.
