Monday, June 18, 2012

Keepsake Road Trippen

I'm not sure why but I kept forgetting to put up a blog about the road trip we did up to New Hampshire in April. Di was in town and we were on a mission to hit the mecca of the quilting world, Keepsake Quilting. You'd think it would be in one of the larger towns but this place was solidly in the middle of nowhere. It didn't stop us kitting up and loading the mini van up with supplies and getting on the road. 

I'm not sure how we ended up with the mini van. They supposedly had extra's and it was an 'upgrade.' Strange as it had Florida licence plates. The four of us (Dasha came as well) hit the road Saturday morning and made a beeline for Centre Harbor in New Hampshire. We had the obligatory Macca's stop and several pee stops for princess but we made it up there early afternoon. 

The trip is about 350 miles one way. Not sure what that converts to in normal scales but it's about seven hours driving. Tracy had booked us in this really cool little cottage in the lakes area. It was in a town called Holdeness and it was near Squam Lake. This area is dominated by lots of lakes. These are not your everyday round ones but they are a series of coves and winding bends which makes for an interesting and very scenic area.

We had a delicious dinner on the lake and prepared ourselves for the main attraction the following morning. After a solid diner breakfast we headed to Keepsake. I've done a few quilting shops in my time (thanks to Di) but this one was by far the biggest. What's more I was attending with Keepsakes "#1 customer". I managed to survive about 15 minutes and then was on dog duties. Tracy and Di managed to spend about 3 hours and would have probably been there longer had the police not been called to get them out. Ok the last bit was maybe an exaggeration. Many purchases were made and then it was back in the mini van and just a lazy 350 mile drive back to New York.

All in all lots of fun had by everyone.

We should have stayed here.

Opps it's always hard to take a picture when you have a doggie bag with you.

Chardy Hour

Our fire at night

Dinner on Squam Lake

Di in heaven

White glove service

My fav pattern. I'll be waiting Di!!!!!

The mandaotry Dasha weeing on the hydrant photo

='s heaven for me, ='s hell for Tracy. The coolest Antique store ever

Look out

Squam Lake

A random boat near Keepsake

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