Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 4th, 2012

Wednesday was July 4th over here and Tracy and I had a cracking day. After a sneaky sleep in we got up and took the mutt down to the dog run for a bit of exercise. We then dropped him off at home and headed up to the MET. It was about 6 zillions degrees over here and you really wanted to be indoors during the heat of the day. We'd been to the MET before but never beyond the entrance hall. Amazing considering we'd been here 2 years. 

The place is huge and not something you can digest in one visit. We focused on the armory, modern art, rooftop, drawings, photography and a special exhibition on Prada clothing. Skimmed through various other sections but need to get back to check out the masters and the Egyptian stuff.

We then came home for a bit of a chill and made our annual pilgrimage to 28th and 12th for the Macy's fireworks display. As always it was hot and crowded but we had to do it. Who needs the Dow to measure the economy? I just use the fireworks. Only four barges this year. Must be a sign of the times. Another great display although I'm looking forward to the Sydney NYE display again this year.

Dasha with his Bluesteel 2012 look in Tompkins Square Park


Of course where I headed first

"This is the color of my dreams"

A massive Warhol in the modern art section

On the roof of the MET

Just a couple of people watching the fireworks


1 comment:

  1. One year ago we were there ahhhh what fab memories.
