Saturday, July 7, 2012

Menemsha, Martha's Vineyard

I decided to do a dedicated blog on this place due to it's status as the epicenter of the world for the best lobster rolls EVER. Menemsha is a small fishing village located on the north western corner of Martha's Vineyard. It's centered around a small inlet which is home to a fleet of working fishing boats. There are a bunch of seafood outlets which line one side of the harbor and sell the freshest seafood. I got the in word that the Menemsha Fish Market was Da Bomb so headed along to sample one of their finest. I was not disappointed. 

The roll itself felt like it had been heated and dropped in a vat of hot butter. It was dripping the stuff. Inside was a solid pound of chunky lobster from a freshly cooked bad boy. Out of control good.

The beast. You can see a full lobster claw to the center left of the roll.
Lobster Heaven

Faces of Menemsha

Lobster Pots

The beach by the inlet

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