Friday, July 13, 2012

NYC Roofy's

The stat's tonight.

- Thursday Night...check
- 28 degrees, sunny...check
- 1 x NYC rooftop...check
- Bottle of Verve...check
- Lobster rolls...check
- Lovin life...double check

Louise and Tracy soaking up the neighbors rooftop patio

The building behind us has this cool rooftop grass area which the  people living there have built out onto,.

One of the countless hole in the wall bars in the East Village

Dinner 1 - Porchetta Rolls

Dinner 2 - Lobster rolls


  1. Mate, loving this multiple meal behaviour. Makes me feel less guilty about eating two separate burritos on a lunchtime walkabout yesterday in London (Clerkenwell). You're going to turn into a lobster roll if you don't tone it down a bit :)

  2. Seriously you are making us all envious...lobster rocks
