Sunday, September 9, 2012

Poodle Invasion Part 1

Amazingly immigration allowed the man poodle into the country for three weeks of class fun.

After spending a made weekend in Las Vegas, Chuck headed over to NYC to come crash with Tracy and me........and what a awesome fortnight it was. We packed in so much stuff it would be impossible to fit in one blog so heres part one with a few random shots over the first few days.

One of our first lazy nights out. We found this ok Italian place on E7th called Giano's. It was pretty quiet but we had an awesome seat by the window

Just one beer normally turned into a 3am finish. Fine on a weekend but school nights were a little tough

Kateeee. Help. What was he thinking

We spent many mornings having breakfast round at Ost. This was more like an after work beer with the mutt as well
A couple of work colleagues had recommended this BBQ place over in Williamsburg called Fette Sau. It's a pretty casual place but got an awesome vibe going. You have to queue up for an hour or so to get food but it is well worth it. While in line I g-ed up a monster bottle of this awesome wheat beer called Dreamweaver. We'd meet these two guys who had 12 hours in NYC and decided to come to the BBQ place and we had ourselves a wee little party.

After dinner we headed to the Whythe Hotel to check out their rooftop bar. This place opened a couple of months ago and has sensational views back towards midtown. Throw in near perfect weather and this was a definate night in the why I love NYC series.

Some of the more interesting beer taps I've seen


Whythe Hotel rooftop bar

We tried several times to get into PDT but no dice. It's a bar that you enter through a telephone booth down in the East Village. We settled on a Galaga battle on the pinnies instead

Katz Deli

A near perfect hangover cure

It must be a fluro thing
A new little Japanese place just openned up around the corner from where we live called Bugs. The name alone was worth a visit. I love a good bit of sushi so we thought we'd pop in a check it out. It had a very homely feel as if you were in someones private kitchen. The food was really good although a tad on the exxy side. 
Bugs, East Village

There is a bar down the road called the Redhead. I had to go have a beer here. Thought stories of backward sperm might come up but not quite.

A break from shopping down in SoHo

Went to this crazy shop in SoHo called Evolution. They sold all this random stuff including animal penis bones.

I tried tog et him to buy it for you Kate

Jon Bon Poodle living it large in John Vavaratos. This is probably the first time he's ever bought his own cloths. Very 80's rock star. Nice.


  1. Looks like the time of your life together!!! Love the new look Charles. The flouro shoes are enough to cure any after effects!!!

  2. Wow the sandstone power line shot is a feature ...good one Ash. Mx

  3. That should read sandshoes
