Monday, September 10, 2012

US Open 2012

It's been a tennis fest this year with the US Open. The session we had tickets for last year got cancelled due to weather and we ended up getting tickets to the equivalent session this year. On top of this We'd already got some other tickets and I won a competition when I bought those and got even more tickets. Tracy was one happy camper.

The prize I won was entry into the grounds on the first day as well as into the VIP hospitality tent. We went and watched the Stosur matched and then it started pouring so we retreated to the tent. It was fantastic. Real gourmet food and drink. The mini lobster rolls were a highlight and Tracy loved the toasted cheese station.

The weather cleared up and we got back to watch some more tennis including getting to some of the outer court matchs. These were cool as you can sit courtside instead of up in the heavens like we normally do in the main arena.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly love your food! Looks so nice. Tennis would have been cool.
