Another short plane flight and we were back on mainland USA soil. We ended up in Miami with Key West being our destination.
The short story is we'd been to all of the places in the Beach Boy song Kokomo except Key Largo so we thought we'd better check it off.
We hired a car and decided to go all out and get a red convertible Mustang for the drive. It was a beautiful day and we thought it would be great to travel through the Keys in it. Our first stop however was a slight detour to a place which we'd been hanging to visit for 8 months or so.
It had been a long time between Ellos (Elevation Burger) and we were stoked to find that there were several stores in Florida. We beelined for it with strategies of how we would eat but ended up getting the same old order. Per usual the burgers were nothing short of sensational and a tremendous base for a road trip.
We hit Key Largo in about an hour but pretty much buzzed through it. Another hour and a half later and we pulled up at our hotel in Key West. We'd picked a pretty nice sot at the end of Duval St and headed straight for the pool. There was a beach at the hotel but we've become full blown Caribbean snobs now and the way was just not clear enough.
We checked out sunset which was pretty spectacular. Would give the Mindel Beach market in Darwin a run for its money. From there is was home but not after the entertainment of Fantasy Week in Key West. I'm going to save another blog for that as it deserves one in its own right.
The following day we checked out the southern most point in continental USA and then began the drive back. As we we leaving we were treated to a bit of an aerial show by 10 FA-18 Hornets which were doing some training from the nearby Navel air base. There may have also been a little stop at Ellos again for another couple of burgers.
We wrapped up the night by cruising up and down Ocean Bld in Miami a couple of times in the convertible.
Ah a sight for empty bellies
Tracy was one happy camper with her cheeseburger with mustard, mayo and hot pepper relish.
The end results of round two.
Our ride down to Key West
One of the causeways connecting the islands.
The hotel beach
A the marker for the southern most point in the US.
The speck is one of the Hornets coming in to land.
The Mustang was nice but I would have taken this bad boy any day of the week. Ocean Boulevard in Miami.